F.Y.I - Don't comment saying that I type too much because that's me. Read at your own risk if not .. Be Gone !

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cough Couch Sneeze*

Oh hi ! Currently sick right now. The flu, the cough, the throat ! When will they ever go away? Exams are starting tomorrow. Better buck up. True, it's just BM exam, who gives a shit. My BM teacher doesn't know how to teach and no idea how in the world is he gonna give us marks anyways but still, who doesn't want to score high in their exams? Definitely not me.

Pretty sure some of you have teachers who can't do their job well or just don't give a shit about their students. Care or not, we still have to do our best in our exams. You'll probably have teachers who favour you more than the others and probably give you a better grade and whatever. Get use to that? You'll die in college or Uni because no one is like that. People will hate you. Yes they will and you will have to accept it because it's life. People judge, they talk what they see and nothing you can do to stop them. Yes? Yes. So study right, do your exams right. Try your best not to cheat because I know many struggle to do a question. Trust me, I know.

My latest addiction : Angry Birds

Love Rachel*

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